4 Ways to Make Your Folder a Success
Make sure your custom images and graphics appear just where you want them - use PFL folder layout guides to cover your bases for any pre-press program you use
Standard folders come in A4, but think ahead about what you want inside - some presentation materials might require a custom size
While presentation material inside may change, your folders don't have to - keep your designs generic enough to adapt, and save money on future
Presentation Folder Marketing
With branded presentation folders, you can really say a lot before you say anything at all. Custom printed presentation folders have many marketing uses, including new product launches, business proposals, welcome packages, orientation kits, trade show materials, customer service agreements, and much more!
Versatile design options are available to meet your marketing needs. We can print a standard size A4 folder or just about any custom size, thanks to our exact die cutting. Your folders can be printed on the outside with the inside either left blank or printed. Pocket folders have pockets on one or both sides to hold and organise your other printed marketing materials. The pockets can have slits to hold business cards.
To get more information about this product, to know more about your custom project rates. Email us your custom requirements or call (02) 9629 1199 for further assistance.